Assembling an Emergency Roadside Kit

Car accident, flat tire, over heating, dead batter, bad weather – whatever the situation is, being stranded on the side of the road waiting for help can be a frightening experience.  You can make this unfortunate incident less unnerving by preparing for emergency situations proactively. 

Here are some basics to get you started to handle common situations:  

  • First aid kit, Water, Emergency food such as nuts, protein bars, granola, beef jerky
  • Spare tire, Fix-a-Flat, Wheel wrench and a jack
  • Basic tools such as a wrench, pliers ,tire iron, etc
  • Flares or reflective triangles
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Jumper cables 
  • Old-school maps (you may not have power to use your GPS or phone might die)
  • Flashlight and extra batteries 

Create a more specific kit if your family includes infants, child, elderly or pets. Add some of the following to get through the crisis: 

  • Blankets 
  • Cellphone charger
  • Duct Tape 
  • Child care needs – Formula, diapers, extra clothing, wipes
  • Entertainment – books, cards, coloring books
  • Toilet paper
  • Pet food & watering bowl 

Weather Supplies:

  • Collapsable shovel
  • Sand 
  • Rain gear
  • Sunblock
  • Hats
  • Insect repellant 

Keep all of these items in a storage bin or something waterproof. Remember if you do borrow from your supplies in a non emergency situation to replace them ASAP. Also always replace or check the dates on any food or drink items. Safe driving!