Skipping An Oil Change: What Happens

Vehicles come with required maintenance, like oil changes, and sometimes life gets in the way of changing the oil on time. Other times, many drivers think that their car will be just fine driving past the mileage or date of their next oil change. While they can certainly do that, it doesn’t mean that there aren’t any consequences to doing so. That may have you thinking ‘what happens when you skip an oil change?’. Our auto technicians here at C&G Auto are here to tell you what happens when your car needs an oil change but doesn’t get one. 

Oil is what your car’s engine needs to lubricate itself and do its job. After some time, the oil will start to break down. Once the oil starts to break down, it’s safe to assume that the metal parts in your engine will start to wear down prematurely. This can decrease the lifespan of your engine and can leave you with some costly repairs. If left unchanged for a long period of time, old oil can turn into a thick sludge that’s hard to remove and can leave you with a costly engine rebuild or replacement.

If you’re past your oil change date or mileage, it’s best to bring your car to C&G Auto & Truck so one of our trusted technicians can assess your vehicle and perform the necessary oil change. There’s no way to tell if there’s damage or if you just got lucky until one of our expert auto technicians can assess and diagnose the problem. If you have any questions or need to schedule an oil change appointment, don’t hesitate to reach out or give us a call at 843.839.3691.